After leaving the Cinci Children’s Hospital a few weeks ago, we were overwhelmed with disappointment and discouragement after learning Silas had failed his food trials. Although we were choosing to rejoice in God’s sovereign plan, there were moments of feeling like the journey was hopeless (as one doctor had told us before), long, expensive, and downright lonely. Many of our questions in regards to Sy’s medical care just don’t have answers at this point…
1. The docs don’t know the long-term effect of the medicinal formula that Sy drinks each day.
2. Sy has failed so many food tests/trials that the hope of him ever being on a “normal” diet seems unlikely at this time (outside of a miracle and/or cure).
3. The option of heavy steroids poses many risks and once off of these meds, the disease comes immediately back.
Needless to say, we were at a loss and sometimes we’re hesitant to share the reality of Sy’s condition because, quite frankly, we feel like people are probably just plain sick of hearing about it. We KNOW we are blessed beyond measure and we never want to complain. However, the thought of the journey ahead is, at times, quite daunting.
BUT I love how GOD’s plan is so much greater than our limited perspective. In the moment of our despair, GOD knew what was to come…
“Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:29-30
Our community around us has just truly embraced us and carried us. Their love and support of Silas is what keeps him (and us) going. Seriously, I don’t think he could handle the cards he’s been dealt without the love he feels from everyone around him.
Here are just a few brief stories from the last couple of weeks:
*Silas is homeschooled but attends Classical Conversations on Tuesdays. The director, Jody Scott, shared a story last week about a 10-year old girl who told her mother that she would not be having lunch on Tuesdays because she doesn’t want Silas to be the only one not eating at school. Wow!
*We’ve also learned that a friend of ours (who is a fabulous hairstylist) is doing back-to-school haircuts (this Friday) to raise support for Sy’s Trust Fund.
*A 12-year old girl in our neighborhood is selling amazing hair bows, headbands, and stationary and donates a portion of the proceeds to Sy’s medical costs.
*Another 12-year old friend is babysitting and is generously giving a percentage of what she earns to Sy.
*A couple of weeks ago, our whole church body spent a day fasting and in prayer for our boy.
Wow! … Wow! … Wow! … Wow!
So I love GOD’s timing… Just when things seemed hopeless, HE showed up in an enormous way and is using the body of Christ to walk this journey with us and even at times, carry us.
So thank you all for sharing your words of kindness, your hugs, your love, your finances, and your great ideas and acts of service. Little do you know that you have been the very arms of GOD to us!